China’s tourism authorities anticipate significant investments in the tourism industry and new jobs for 1.8 million people from 2015 to 2017.
Negative international perception of China is leading to a decline in inbound tourism to China according to a China tourism international public opinion survey.
A survey also shows that short-haul destinations were still more popular, though the number of Chinese travelling to Southeast Asia plunged more than 34%
“The increase in Chinese tourists is giving Chinese companies the impetus to invest in New Zealand especially in the hotel industry”
Japan will relax visa rules for the three-year multiple-entry tourist visas for Chinese nationals starting January 19 2015.
Independent travelers‘ numbers have already increased to more than half of that of group visitors and their proportion will continue to increase in 2015.
CNTA is implementing the “Qualification and Evaluation Criteria for the China Outbound Tourism Quality Service Certification” scheme for overseas suppliers.
China’s tour operators conducted 11.7590 million trips with outbound tours, a 9.47% increase in Q3 2014.