The online travel company has made a pertinent attempt to develop a habit of browsing content among users of its app and also to monetize the same by working on content to transaction conversion rate.
Aviation information technology service revenue decreased by 14.7% to RMB2,127.5 million in Year 2021.
Shanghai's daily COVID caseload at nearly 1,000, but containment in sight; HK Tourism Board gets additional HKD 600M funding for promotional activities.
From 865 cities in 2020 to the future target of 2200, the hotel company’s aggressive expansion is being demonstrated by sharply rising city coverage.
Revenues from corporate travel management experienced a year-over-year growth of 54% for the full year of 2021.
Hong Kong Disneyland reports seventh straight year of losses; Hotel giant Huazhu reports 25.4% revenue rise for 2021.
2021 was another challenging year due to COVID-19, especially in the second half.
The restructuring by the OTA is a direct response to the demand for short-haul and local trips in China.