Ukraine, China working on visa waiver agreement; Hainan and Macau travel demand remains high as forward bookings surge.,, Airbnb ranked as world's biggest brands; Central China rolls out game-themed travel route to “woo” young people.
Macao looking to ease travel restrictions from Hong Kong; Jin Jiang's Louvre Hotels launches a tech program in Europe.
Wyndham eyes growth in China; Cathay looks at ‘Amazon concept’ hoping to encourage passenger spending.
Chinese city offers free plane tickets to elderly to boost economy; Cathay Pacific to increase flight schedule in October.
Flights canceled at Shenzhen airport after staff reportedly test positive; Hopes raised for EU to ease entry restrictions covering Hong Kong.
China’s border restrictions remain despite vaccination ramp up; Macau lifts inbound-quarantine rule for 2 Guangdong cities.
Cathay Pacific works with Airbus on single-pilot system for long-haul; Tripadvisor helps to provide better travel guide in Northwest China.